Sorry, if you don’t want to know or see this, but I decided
that this topic is worth an own blog entry. The number of vomit stains on my daily way to work varies
between 5 and 10, also the size and colour. It’s a funny (and disgusting) game
of guessing what people were having before they drank too much.
What I find funny though is that of course due to the
freezingly cold temperatures, the vomit starts freezing right away and will
remain there till somebody scrapes it off the pathway (which barely ever happens) or it gets washed away by
the snow or rain sometime in March or later.
I have never seen so much of it in one place. Really quite
Because I don't wanna scare away my beloved followers, I will limit the pictures for this entry to three only, even though I could have taken a lot more...
Ha ha . This is so funny. Kinda gross but artistic. Definitely worth blogging about :)