24 August 2016

Ulaanbaatar/Ulan-Bator: Touch down and first steps

I'm living in the 5th micro district, quite central and surrounded by tons of grocery stores. If you wanna crash at our place during your Mongolia trip, here’s the link to do so:

https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/stevebu (works only for members I think)

The city center is more than doable on foot. I won’t list the sights (check Tripadvisor, they’re good at that), but I want to show them to you.

My folks know I’m more that underground kind of guy. I tend to be more interested in things that are actually not meant to be interesting. Those pictures may help you understand what I mean by that.

UB is a city that aggressively tried to comply with this modern business city image, building skyscrapers, deluxe apartment houses and so on. But economic turnaround came right when commodity prices fell and eventually led to a deep economic crisis. So as of now, nobody knows when all those skyscrapers are going to be completed or if they ever will. It’s fascinating me. I really got used to people looking at me with confusion what the hell is he taking pictures of?

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